Thursday, December 8, 2005

Sight of the day!!

Old man, wearing brown leather shoes with black socks up to his knees!! Shorts were yellow and red checked - (the main colour was yellow, the lines were all red) made out of some thick material- and fastened with brown belt. Pale blue shirt neatly tucked into said shorts. Not much hair on head! But the finishing touch just had to be the huge glasses with the clipons - the ones that flick upwards - and he had them flicked up!! : ) Oh dear!

This is what I encountered on my trip to the chemist with my mum, she actually pointed him out to me - and as he had his back to me I took the liberty of forgetting all social politeness and just stared at him!! : ) It really was a sight! He was short too!!

It was quite funny! I shouldn't laugh, cos that's not very nice, but he was for real; - that is actually what he chose to wear today. He chose to wear it!!!! Nobody dared him to - it was of his own free will! (I'm assuming that - but I'm probably correct) : )

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hamilton, strangely enough : )

Well, I've been home for almost 2 weeks so i thought I should post something!!

I've worked full time pretty much since I've been back!! I really quite miss being lazy!! - not working is so much cooler!! : )

I saw Harry Potter on Thursday night! Then again on Saturday!! I love Harry Potter so much!!! The first time I saw it - at one point in the movie I got a really massive fright! My brother (Sam) got kinda embarrassed - then told me to hit the roof for him while I was up there!! Apparently my fright had an accompanying scream-thing - which the ppl behind us laughed at - oops!! : ) Oh well!! The 2nd time I was prepared and didn't get a fright at all - but neither did anyone else in the theatre, which kinda disappointed me - cos i wanted to hear someone get a fright!

I went to Tauranga in the wknd for my flatmates 21st! Despite not knowing anyone apart from her family - i had heaps of fun!! The theme was cowboys and indians - so i went as a cowboy/girl! fun times!! : )

Every night I plan on having an early night - but it hasn't actually happened yet! (By early, I'm trying to get to bed around 10.30ish) - after midnight seems to be most common - which is then kinda annoying cos I have to get up early!! Oh well!! One day, I'll have a day off and sleep in!! Yay!! : ) (Weekends don't always count as automatic sleep-in days I've discovered!!) Oh well!!

Ok! I'll cya guys later!

Monday, November 14, 2005

* * * *

I have a guitar. It is called Brutus.
I like it!!

I'm going home on Friday, but I don't really want to. I want to stay down here for summer! : )

I love Harry Potter!! The next movie comes out on November 24th. I am going to go and see it!! : )

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

5 jokes of awsomeness

I found a website that had some 'bad jokes' so I read it and found most of them kinda funny!!

Here's my favourites from it:

What's yellow, lives in a tree and is very dangerous?
A canary with a machine gun.

What can you sit on, brush your teeth with, and eat soup with?
A chair, a toothbrush and a spoon

When ducks fly in a V, why is one side of the V longer than the other?
There are more ducks on that side

What do you get when you cross the ocean with the titanic?

What’s the difference between one yard and two yards?
A fence

Well, I thought they were funny!! : )

Friday, October 14, 2005

It doesn't feel like the end!

... That's cos it's not! : )
The end of lectures for another year - I still have to return next year (and the year after)! : ) Though in a way, I kinda want to leave now! Don't get me wrong - I love uni, and I'm sure i can manage at least another year (or 2) here, but seeing as my life now lacks a bit of direction, I kinda want to just go out and do stuff rather than learn about it! I dunno!!

Growing up, I never really had any major dreams or desires or life plans that I ever thought would become reality, I just knew that I would grow up and life would happen, whether I like it or not! - I guess that's why I figured I was going to make sure I enjoyed life then- it happens once and then it's over, you get to decide what happens along the way and how you live!
And I knew I always wanted to follow God! : )

But now, I've started thinking about what i want to do - and most things seem like they could be reality if i made them happen!! I want to go out and do things, help the world in some way! Help the people around me! Not settle for a comfortable life. Live life in a way that is most pleasing to God - making the best use of my life (i understand that the best use of my life is going to be different to the best uses of others' lives!) But now my mind has opened itself a wee bit and I don't know which ideas are the best use of my life! I want to be bold in my endeavours, go out confidently into the world, step out on my own two feet, not have to rely on anyone but God!
But I'm afraid to do that! I think it's cos I hate being alone and am afraid that in stepping out I risk being alone! I need people round me!! : )
I guess I also know I was born to follow others - which probably sounds weird after what I've just said! While young girls may dream of being a queen or princess, I always thought it would be cool to be the queen (or princess') personal maidservant person! - weird I know! But that's just me! I really don't like the idea of me being in charge - for an hour, that's cool, but not for ages!! : )

So another year's almost over! : ) It went crazy fast! Another year closer to actually finishing a degree and unleashing myself on the world! heh!! : )

Monday, October 3, 2005

WWJGD? : )

Wow - I think I made a link!! : ) That's exciting!

Anyways - I found this site amusing! : )

Friday, September 30, 2005

I don't like thinking up these titles

I was looking at the parable of the sower and his seeds. And somehow I got to thinking - it wasn't the seeds' fault where they fell, they didn't choose to fall on the road or rocky ground or among thorns or on good soil, it just happened. They were just thrown there. Only a few seeds fell on good soil - well, at least 3/4 didn't! Craziness!
I spose this means that of all the people we might tell about God - we can kinda know that maybe up to 1/4 of them will possibly listen and understand! Yay!! : )
But does that also mean that 3/4 of people out there are 'predisposed,' as such, to not hear at all?? Cos that's quite unfortunate for them! : )

Friday, September 23, 2005

My new discovery!!

I love going to the beach at night with mates and a guitar.
(Not necessarily me playing the guitar - just having a guitar being played!!) (Mates are a necessity though otherwise I'd be totally freaked out being there all by myself at night!!)

Me and 2 of my flatmates did this last night, we/I played lots of guitar (badly- I really need to learn how to play properly), and we walked along the pier. At the end it was kind of freaky, cos it was like the world just stopped. The sea was black and the sky was black so you couldn't see any resemblance of the horizon, only the ocassional swell which totally freaked you out cos it made it look like the world's end was coming closer and closer to you - wierd, I know, but it was cool!! It was also a lot quieter at the end of the pier cos all the crashing waves were behind you and the sea out infront was all quiet!
It was possibly quite thought provoking, if you're that way inclined, but I personally was feeling a little spooked-ish by it, it was kind of eerie, we didn't stay long there, we moved back down the pier where there was noise from the waves and a bit more light!! : ) But it was still cool though!

But generally I was just amused by how much I really loved being at the beach at night with a guitar! I didn't want to leave. There was still much more singing and playing that could be done, it was kinda getting late, but as long as I was there with the guitar and friends, I felt like I could've stayed forever!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I've been helping a lady out with a research project lately and it's been interesting how I've gotten to know her, or at least feel like i have - in a week!!
It's crazy! i see her twice a day, for no more than 20 mins at a time, and inbetween doing the actual study stuff, we just chat about all sorts of things. It's quite cool!
Though it kind of has made me realise how much time i don't spend with my friends! The only people I see that often are my flatmates and classmates -and they're really cool, i love them all!!

I know there's not enough time in a day to do all that we want, but i know that some people i don't even see for weeks on end, and then I'll see them once and then not for weeks again!! It's crazy!! How are we sposed to keep up good friendships if we are never communicating with people!! I don't know - but somehow it works!!

Yeah, i don't think there really was a point to this post, it's just what i was thinking!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Yay for big assignments being finished!! : )

Yay!! I've just finished a big assignment!! It might be 4.45 in the morning, and I might still actually be at uni! But I don't care!! : ) At the moment I'm just feeling quite satisfied with my assignment! I even brought a stapler to uni so I can staple it before I go hand it in - I generally don't remember and then I'm I'm stuck with an assignment!!
Yayness!! It feels good!! It's worth 40%! It was quite big! Hard too!! I counted - & my whole assignment takes up 30 pages! that's a lot!! : )

Yeah, so that's my excitement for now!!

I think now it's time for me to go home to bed, cos even though I may not feel tired now - i know I'm going to feel it tomorrow, and probably the next day too!! : )

heh : )

Monday, September 5, 2005

Thanks for all the hugs!!
I think I'm all good, I just had to take a moment to put life into perspective, which is hopefully where it now is!! : )
People are cool!!

Friday, September 2, 2005

: (

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Words are not going to be able to do this properly for me!

I don't know how to link stuff, but I've tried - I' tried to link to Nathan's post.

Ok, so let's try and evaluate hannah's life!!
Actual events - some good, but mostly crap! Some may be familiar with the experience of everything you know falling away from you just like that, there's nothing you can do to stop it, only watch it disappear. Your world as you know it is crashing down around you! - yeah so that's my current place in life.

But as for how I'm reacting to these events - it's probably not how one should react! I am still at some kind of peace, even still joking round with mates and laughing - when i should be upset and crying! I have happiness and it's not a facade of happiness cos i do honestly feel happy - and I don't know why!! But through the happiness I also feel like I want to just break down and cry!

I want to be in denial! I want to deny that anything's happening at all and that life will continue as normal, even though i know it won't! I know that change is good!

But mostly, I want God's will for my life. I want God to give my direction for my future, make things 'all better' - he's good like that!! I want what i do to be pleasing to God, I want to live for God. i want to be with God every moment of the day, for him to be the centre of everything I do.

Jealous Kind

I really love this song by Jars of Clay! I don't know why! I just really love it!!
I think I don't understand it but that doesn't matter!! : )

Jealous Kind

I built another temple to a stranger
I gave away my heart to the rushing wind
I set my course to run right into danger
Sought the company of fools instead of friends

You know I've been unfaithful
Lovers in lines
While you're turning over tables with the rage of a jealous kind
I chose the gallows to the aisle
Thought that love would never find
Hanging ropes will never keep you
And your love of a jealous kind
Love of a jealous kind

Trying to jump away from rock that keeps on spreading
For solace in the shift of the sinking sand
I'd rather feel the pain all too familiar
Than be broken by a lover I don't understand
'Cause I don't understand

One hundred other lovers, more, one hundred other altars
If I should slow my pace and finally subject me to grace
And love that shames the wise, betrays the heart's deceit and lies
And breaks the back of foolish pride

Friday, August 26, 2005

Playing grown ups!!

One of my friends is house sitting, so me, my brother, my mate's brother and another mate all went round for tea! It was yum! We had entree, mains and dessert then we went into the lounge with our drinks! This is what grown ups do and I really don't feel like a grown up yet! Oh well!! But I don't know if your average grown up then turns Celine Dion up really really loud and sings at the top of their lungs for half an hour!! : ) It's great fun - i highly recommend it! Along with some Moulin Rouge, Solace, Wash and Bebo Norman!! : ) Friends are great fun!! I love friends!!

I also really love the game minesweeper!! : )

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Home sweet home : )

Yay for being home! It's all exciting!! Though everyone pretty much was all in bed by 10.30 and I am left up by myself!! Maybe I should try these early night things some time - but why break a habit?! Oh well, I am currently watching Little Women, I like that movie! : ) I like being able to pick a random movie that I've seen lots of times before and just watch it again cos I can!! I like home!

But funnily I notice that when I'm home I act differently, I think I'm more demanding - which I find amusing! And I get frustrated kind of easily by little things that I'm not so much used to in Chch, eg, TV and the dog! I think my family watches too much TV, it annoys me so I go to my room and do something unproductive (isolating myself is not really a 'me' thing to do so that's kinda cool and wierd, as for unproductiveness, well, I'm a fairly unproductive person anyway!). And the dog annoys me cos he just does, but I'm gonna have to get over that!! Our dog, Gibson, is a huge attention seeker, and my parents are devoted to him and giving him what I think is way too much attention for a dog! I mean, he's a dog!!! (He also thought my foot was a toy and tried to bite it several times!)

I do love home really! And I always look forward to going home!! I also always get annoyed on my first night of being back - but I know I'll be fine tomorrow - unless of course they let the dog wake me up by jumping all over me! Grrrr : )

Hehe! I sound like a really angry/moody person, it's great!! I laugh at myself! Hahaha!! : )

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Expectations and perfection -somehow combined : )

I think I have some perfectionism in me somewhere - and that's scary, cos as far as I'm concerned, I'm anything but a perfectionist! : ) I'm not sure if it true perfectionism though, I don't know if I even know what that really is! And I only ever have perfect expectations on myself! I love the imperfections that other people have, -not to try and make myself seem better in some deluded way, I couldn't do that; but because imperfections are what makes people different and unique and loveable. I love imperfections! (in other people) But when it comes to my abilities and things I do, that's when I think I expect most perfectness from myself.
As I said though I'm not sure what true perfection is. Is perfection actually perfection? Or is it what we perceive to be perfection? (Does that make sense?) Cos I reckon those probably get distorted a bit in my mind! Then, how can we have a universal idea of perfectionism? : ) (I honestly should not try and think so much, it doesn't do anything for me!)

Now I'm interested to know:
Do other people expect perfection from themselves? Or more from others??

Monday, July 18, 2005

no title today

We just had Navs camp in the weekend!! It was very cool!! Though I am now very tired and a bit sick, and my brain's not functioning normally yet!! Oh well!! : )
Tony and Paul organised cool piratey activities for Saturday! We had to make a pirate ship, make a cannon and test it (our teams cannon was a flop!), and then there was a treasure hunt which was highly great fun!! : ) So much fun!!
Yeah, that's about all I can think of at the moment! It was a good camp!! : )

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I feel like i should post!

I'm going home on Saturday - so that's exciting! : ) Actually, it will be very cool cos I'll get to see m bestest ever mate in the whole wide world who I haven't seen since the start of January!! Yayness!! (She's a teacher in Australia and is also coming home for the school holidays!!) Yay for her!! : )

Yeah, so that should be good! : )

Last night, we watched the Phantom of the Opera!! Man I love that movie!! It is so awesome! That chick can sing - real good!! I love it!! I love musicals!! They're the best! : )

Monday, June 13, 2005

Music anyone??

Today I am using my blog as a source of advertising space!! hehe!!

Ok: If you like jazz music and/or like brass bands - then I have just the concert you may be looking for! Canterbury Foundation Brass Band is doing a concert this Saturday (June 18th) at the Aurora Centre at 7.30pm. The concert is called "Just Jazz"!! Tickets are $10 student and $12 adult/not-student. Tickets are available at the door!

Yeah, so you should come!! : )

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Love - hehehe : ) And I wrote a long post!! : )

I've been thinking a bit lately about love (doesn't everyone, hehehe!) and I think God's telling me I should be loving the unloved. I was thinking about how I am so loved and that I know I'm loved and there's heaps of people out there who are either not loved or don't know they're loved : (
So my mission is to love people! Yay for stating the obvious!! : ) Isn't that what Jesus wants us to do anyways?? Love people?!! : )

But my question is: who do I love? That sounds silly, but I mean - if God wants me to love the unloved, how do I know who the unloved are, ie, who are the unloved that God wants me to go and love?? : ) (I sound confused)
Does God want me to go out to the streets of Christchurch and get to know the homeless people who look like they have noone to love them? I actually think God's maybe calling me to the unloved people i know. But again - how do i know who's unloved, or at least feeling unloved??
I love pretty much everyone I know - even if I don't always like some people (which isn't that often) I still love them!! (So, if you know me, then know you are loved!) : )

I can't just walk up to someone and ask "Are you loved?" I spose I could, but that's not really me! Am I kinda just supposed to 'know' maybe?? I've tried thinking about people i might accidently be making feel unloved, eg, by leaving them out in social situations or even just in life, or people in class who don't really hang out with anyone, or are there people at band that always just seem to be by themselves and not talking to others?? If I can think of people 'on the edges' as such, again - how do i know if they are unloved?? I dunno!! i think maybe these are the people I'm s'posed to go love!
But (there's always a but), what if in the process of loving these so-called unloved people in my life, I let slip the current relationships I have with other people, thus making these people feel unloved (assuming my love means something to them in the first place!)?? And what makes my love worth something/anything in the first place?? It's all good and well to say go love someone, but what makes it worth anything if I do love them??

Then there's the whole idea of the love languages thing - I think I'm words and touch! (Who would've guessed!?) I think it's important to connect with people in a way that means something to them (if you're trying to love them), but you have to get to know someone in order to even know what they appreciate. I think I don't make much sense, but that's ok, i know what I mean!! : )

If anyone actually read this far, yeah, this is kind of how my mind thinks, but not really - cos this has, in a way, been processed and my mind doesn't often get processed! : ) I think the point of me writing this post is possibly just to try and clear up some of my own thoughts, cos I get a bit confused when i try and think about stuff, so writing it down i guess helps me to see it and play around with my ideas a bit! I can't control my thoughts when they're in my head, but if they're on paper then I can see them and try and figure out what they're all thinking!! : )

Friday, May 6, 2005

My Seduction Style : )

Yeah, this was kinda just funny! It cracked me up!! : )

Your Seduction Style: The Natural
You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

What Is Your Seduction Style?

Friday, April 29, 2005

Flat warming

My flat is having a flat warming next Saturday (on May the 7th) for anyone who may be interested. The theme is: brown (you have to see our flat to truly appreciate this)!! It's BYO.
If you would like to come and don't know where I live, you can text me -or anyone else from my flat - (if you have my number, and if you don't have it other people might so you can get it off them) and i can tell you where i live, I don't really want to put my address on the internet.
I think Ali's 21st is also on that night, so yeah.
I think if you're interested, maybe people are arriving around 8-9pm-ish. Yeah, that's about all

That's all I have to say for now!
Except - i'm going to a wedding tomorrow!! yayness!! It's the first wedding I've been personally invited to (ie, not as part of my family), and it's also the first wedding I will have actually ever been to as a guest! (I've previously been to a wedding where I was part of the people playing music for the bride to walk down the aisle - I don't think it really counts as going to a wedding if you're being paid to be there!!) But yeah, that's quite exciting!! : )

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

: )

I just lost the game!!

I always lose the game, it's not fair!!
Ruth is also losing the game - both games actually!! hehehe : )

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Is anyone going to an ANZAC service on Monday??
I thought I would like to go to one, and if anyone else is keen -it'd be more fun to go with someone, not that it's supposed to be fun exactly, but you know what I mean!! : )

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I think I just did the geekiest thing I've ever done before! I thought I'd go in to the library to do some work - and it's closed! I don't know what this means exactly - I'm at a loss for what to do! Wierd! : ) Oh well!

Monday, February 28, 2005


Yayness for being back in Christchurch! I'm liking it! I was looking forward very much to coming back down! Now I've been here for about 2 weeks and it feels like I've never left uni! Straight back into all that work! Crazy! But seeing lots of people has been good! I think I like living away from home - I can be selfish - that sounds really terrible - and it probably is, but when I'm flatting i generally don't have to think about what the rest of my family is doing, and whether or not we have anything we're sposed to be doing - I can just kind of try and organise my life - it's great!! Yeah, that is kinda selfish! Oh well! I'll get over it! : )

I just spent about 1 1/2 hrs looking on the silly databases for some really old journal articles and couldn't find them anywhere - then i looked on our course handout - that was sitting beside me the whole time and realised that pretty much everything I've been looking for is actually on reserve in the library! Oh well! At least I'm now refreshed in how to use the library databases again! It had been a while! : )