Monday, October 15, 2007

long time no see

Wow!! I haven't been on here for so long - I actually almost forgot how to get in!! :) Oops! Ah well!!
I mainly use bebo - all cos my little brother wanted me to - and i kinda got a little addicted!

so, in case anyone reads this - this is what I'm up to now!!!:
-last week of uni starts today!!!!! yay!!
-maybe going on a labour wknd camp near Gore this wknd
-lots of uni work still to do
-only have one exam and it's on the last day of exams -ie, 15th nov
-will go to Hamilton and work for approx a month and a half
-Jan 15th - going to Mexico!! yeya!! -I'm going to work in an orphanage for the year
-should be studying for a fairly important test i have tomorrow!! :)

That's all for now!
Maybe I might post something at a later date about Mexico stuff - I'm pretty excited about it actually!! :) Yay!! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I really really need to be finishing off an assignment right now - hence the sudden desire to post!

I want to post something of interest, something that I've been thinking lots about lately. But there's nothing.
I can look at the screen for ages and nothing comes.
Funny thing is -is my brain has been working overtime lately, really quite annoying!, but now that I want to pull something out of it - it is blank.
It laughs at me!!

Meh! Can't win them all!

Monday, April 2, 2007

I'm going to Australia

It is nearly easter! I like easter a lot! - I think I like it cos it means holidays! Isn't that terrible, it should be a time to remember Jesus dying and resurrecting, etc, but I just want it for the holiday it gives me!
Not that I'm complaining about having a holiday, but does the rest of the world think that this is the only possible time in a year that I can think of Jesus dying on a cross for our lives??
Ah well, I'll enjoy my holiday!

I'm going to Melbourne for 2 weeks! Yay! : )

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Post no. 50

I wasn't going to post today! I generally don't post (as ppl may have noticed), but then I saw that this would be my 50th post!! Wow! I've had a blog for just over 2 years i think, and all I've managed is 50 posts! : )

Oh well!

Last night me and Nicky delivered muffins to some boys, they were really good muffins! : ) Nicky made them, they had caramello chocolate in them! So good!

I like God! I think this year he is going to teach me more about time management!! I currently have 5 hrs of uni-contact hours and 8-10 hours of work (on 3 different days at random times). Considering these are the only things I have to do each week, I seem to have absolutely no time in my days!! Ok, that's not true, currently I'm not doing anything - I'm procrastinating going home cos i know I have to cook tea tonight! : ) But generally, I feel like my days just disappear and I'm rushing round trying to get stuff done - like heaps of Spanish homework!! Oh well!!
I guess really uber-organised people would have no trouble fitting themselves into my time schedule thing while also accomplishing a million other tasks!! But, I'm just not like them am I?!! : ) Oh well!! I think I'll just have to learn!!
I think it probly helps to add to that-that when I have heaps of free time it all gets taken up with nothing and i end up not doing anything, but if I'm real busy with not much free time, I can get everything I need done! - How does that work?!! : )

Ok, I'm going to go home now and start getting ready to cook tea!! I'm cooking schnitzel! I like schnitzel, it's yum! -and it's red meat, yay, which I think I need more of cos otherwise I get too tired!! : )

Thursday, February 15, 2007

out of blogger darkness

Hello world
it's me again, i have returned!

Yeah, so, lack of posting over summer, it just happens!!

I'm back in Christchurch and I love it!
Different things in Chch:
-our flat has been painted- weird colours that don't quite work together
-we have a new shower, but unfortunately the same old shower head
-I signed up to gmail
-there's 'girly' things in the windows of the old suva st flat when i bike past
-some friends have moved away, but lots are still here

: ) oh i love Chch

What did I do over summer:
-Christmas/New years =fun
-road trip
-cell groups
-had a marvelous summer

Snippets from working in Frankton (lower SES area in Hamilton):
- walking down the road with a weird guy walking behind me singing 'look at the window shopper' - and then singing most moves I made - kinda odd, but amusing!!
- asking a workmate where the nearest park was -she looked at me and said there were car parks everywhere. When i clarified that I wanted a park with grass and swings, she looked at me disbelievingly and told me I wouldn't find one in Frankton, and what would I want a park for when I can sit nice and safely in the staff room!
- my personal favourite - you know when at the end of serving a customer you say something pleasant like 'have a nice day' or 'enjoy your weekend' etc etc, this old man looked at me with real conviction and said in a meaningful voice, 'May you survive.' I was stunned, I didn't know how to reply, he was so serious and really meant it! I don't know what he wanted me to survive but I think he didn't hold much hope of my surviving it at all!! : )

Anyways, would be awesome to catch up with people now that I'm back!
Please give me a txt or something if theres something going on, just hanging out's good!! : )