Wednesday, October 18, 2006

me again : )

Life is fun...I like it!
...most of the time anyway! (except when you have to study)

Anyways, yeah, so bout this's 1/2 way thru study week and I've barely even started studying! Aargh! I want to study, I just don't. Why am I so good at procrastinating??

Last week was such a nice week! Good way to end uni!! I had an exam last Thursday too - probly the most fun exam I've ever sat and ever will again! - it was an open-book crossword!! Yup that's right!! And it's brilliant cos when you're getting the answers right they all slot in together -just like in a crossword out of the newspaper-but more fun cos you technically have all the answers in front of you somewhere in your books!!!! : )
We had a waterfight on Saturday!! It was a really good day for one too!! It was real hot and sunny! There was only 4 of us but we made use of waterguns and buckets and drinkbottles and hose! Fun times!!

I've been hanging out with church ppl (from my new church i go to) a bit which is cool. For Ruth, I started going to Hornby Presbytarian thru a guy from soccer. Christian circles are small, it's brilliant!
I obviously must be needing to study cos I'm posting! I'm sure I mainly post when I've got stuff I should be doing! : ) OK, enough procrastinating - i think i need to have a stern word with myself about this lack of study! (I like the phrase 'stern word' - it sounds authoritative!)

Monday, October 2, 2006

The last month and a half : )

Ok, so over the past month and a half, whathave I been up to? I thought I'd treat you all to an update! : )

August -holidays! They were awesome!! I went home for about 10 days to lovely Hamilton. My mum turned 50 so that was fun - cos turning 50 means you get to celebrate and have ALL the family at your house at once -I love it!! : ) (I don't want to be 50 yet at all, I just like the celebrating with family part)! : ) We had a real awesome time!! It was good!

September - I turned 22, and my Grandad died - all on the same day. Yeah, so instead of going back to uni - I was off up to Gisborne for the funeral. It was very very sad. I cried lots. Me and my dad and my 2 brothers and 2 uncles played Grandad's favourite hymn, it was arranged specially for the funeral. That was hard to play but we all managed somehow. Death is strange huh!?
Anyways, the rest of September has been taken up with uni mostly and some socialising on the side. Somehow managed to change churches, wasn't church-hunting or anything, infact was quite happy at Ilam, I just started going somewhere else. We got a flatmate for next year out of it though. so that's cool!! : )

Now it is October and I am slowly becoming myself again - I find that death-stuff really knocks it out of me and I'm just not myself for a while afterwards, you know how it is!!
Anyways, that's the life of Hannah for a while - not very exciting huh! Oh well, I had fun! : )

Stay tuned...

...(actually that's probly not such a clever suggestion cos you never know how long it'll be before I ever get round to posting again!)