Friday, November 23, 2012

School's nearly out for the year

Two more weeks to go, then school's out.
I'm really enjoying these last few weeks. Everything's just a little more relaxed; I've planned units that have a purpose (so the kids understand why we're studying them), yet are hopefully still enjoyable and appropriate to the end of school year.

I'm looking forward to next week when, let's face it, we'll just watch movies! Not all week. But the last 2 periods of the week! Yay! I'm looking forward to it as much as they are. No planning for me, no working for them. We're all happy.
It might seem like a cop-out, not working. But seriously, trying to get them to do work at the end of any term is hard enough, let alone the last term, after we've had exams and everything!!

My Spanish classes are doing food units - cos that always gets them interested and motivated! And my English classes are doing static images and stereotyping - which is quite fun. In the class doing stereotypes, most of them had never heard the word 'stereotype' before, and if they had, no one could tell me what it meant. But they all knew how to do it! I put up heaps of stereotyped images on the board, eg, of country stereotypes, gender, jobs, etc - and they could all identify them straight away. For example, put up a picture of a man with a beret, moustache, stripy shirt, red neck-scarf, and drinking wine - they all instantly identified him as French, which was great. They already knew stereotypes without knowing the word.
It was then cool cos we could move into huge stereotypes involving countries. Recently, a video came to my attention about Radi-Aid: Africa For Norway, Radi-Aid. (Go watch it, if you haven't already). It's great, and really challenged my class to look at what they think about their stereotypes, particularly in this case, what they think about Africa. Cutely though, some students asked me how many heaters the Africans managed to send to Norway. :)

Anyways... fun lessons aside... I'm really looking forward to the end of school. It's a fun time of year.

I don't have a job lined up for next year. I should be worried. But I'm kinda not. Well, not yet anyway. I'm just planning on looking forward to the Christmas/summer holidays, spending time with friends and family.
Then I'll worry about a job after that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still applying for jobs now, but I haven't had any luck really. It's not a fun job market at the moment, for anyone, but especially language teachers.
But there's no point me stressing about it when there's nothing I can actually do to change it. I do my best; make up my CV's and send them out; I wait patiently; I do what I can. I just want to enjoy life and not worry about all those things. And if I end up not being able to teach next year, well, I'll worry about that next year :)

2 more weeks of school...  then I'll be going home for Christmas. Yay! :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

23 days to go

Not that I'm counting actually - I just counted the days now to put it as the title :)

In 23 days, I'll be leaving here, traveling for 2 days to get home. Then from there, who knows?? It's a little bit sad. Well, actually, it's a lot bit sad. I've really come to love and appreciate Timaru and the people here.
I haven't loved and appreciated the freezing cold winter at all, but everything else has been great!

I have 3 weekends left here and they're all booked up; my weeks are looking a little busy too. The time has gone so fast!!!  There's lots of people I want to make sure I catch up with before I leave, but I also have to pack my whole room/life up here, finish writing reports, marking exams, etc, and planning the last 2-3 weeks of school!! There's so much to do and so little time. And soon I'll be gone. I probably won't be back for a while, unless I get some grabaseat flights for a weekend! :)

I've made some really good friends which I wasn't really expecting, to be honest. I had kinda figured that it would be hard to make friends in the space of a year. But as it turns out, the people I met were awesome and very welcoming, inviting me to hang out with them even though they'd only known me such a short time!
I hope that wherever I may be next year provides me with such good friends. I will be happy! But can I have such luck 2 years in a row in 2 completely different places??!

So as I said, it's a bit sad.
But also, it's possibly exciting. I mean, I don't know where I'll be next year (still applying for jobs and waiting to hear back, etc, etc). I'm hoping to get a job in the North, cos that would be ideal basically. All my family's there. But anywhere in the North is closer than where I currently am :)
I'll have the chance to make new friends, start new hobbies maybe, explore different parts of this amazingly beautiful country!!  It is exciting.

My goal for the next few weeks, as I'm saying goodbye and packing up this short chapter of my life, is to try to fully embrace the changes. Have no fear of anything. No fear of where I'm going. No fear of who I'm leaving behind. No fear of the unknown.  - It doesn't sound all that hard, but it is!!

1 John 4:18 - Perfect love drives out fear.
         (totally abridged and probably taken out of context)- but still true. There is no place for fear in God's perfect love. Yay. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today a real gentleman took me out to lunch.

I say 'real' because he was so chivalrous, what you'd like to think a gentleman is like. He opened every door for me -including the car door for me to get in; made sure I walked on the right side of the footpath, he even ate off the back of his fork - like my mum tried to teach us to do when we were young!
He paid for my meal; he drove me round, not minding to take any expenses on himself. He basically made himself available to be my chauffeur, tour guide, whatever, for a few hours. It was so lovely!! It was not asked of him to do all this, he just offered.

This gentleman is the 83 year old father of one of my colleagues.

It was so nice to be treated like that, even if it was by someone older than my own grandfather. It's also kind of sad to think that a lot of the young men I know don't know how to be chivalrous. They may try, but they have nothing on this man!!  It was a very pleasant day.

...(in all honesty though, NZ's not so big on chivalry, and us girls aren't used to it and don't really expect it, so I imagine we'd maybe get frustrated at being waited on if it was all the time!)  :) We're such contrary beings :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Hehe no, no, no.
No juicy bits of gossip. No betraying of identities of slagging anyone off. Just observations.

In the staffroom, the majority of staff, both teaching and non-teaching, will sit and chat to anyone, no preferences. But given the choice, they'd always sit with the same people. We are all creatures of habit.

Teachers are people too. Well, duh. But I think that sometimes we forget that, even myself as a teacher, and kind of expect teachers to be perfect role models in society. Ok, so teachers are and always will be/should be role models, but they're still normal human beings!!! I need to remember this some times and not expect the superhuman from myself or other teachers :)

Sometimes I notice how similar some staff can be to the students we teach. Not everyone of course, just a few. Some act just like I would expect the 'cool kids' to act at high school. Making mean jokes as a means of excluding people, yet being really nice to another staff member they approve of, etc. I don't really like this behaviour, it's quite childish, but thankfully rarely displayed and only ever by a few people. It leaves me with a somewhat anti-social sentiment... if people are gonna be like that, I'd rather not be around them.

But the heroes. :)
Obviously there are awesome people too. The majority of teachers are, in fact, amazing people. I admire so many of the teachers I work with. I love seeing what they do, how they handle different problems and react to different situations. I love talking with them about problems I might be having with certain classes 'cos they're always so full of useful advice and suggestions of things to try! They're great people. Yay for teachers!! :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Over it

I'm kinda feeling a bit over it all today.
The seniors have gone, and I wanna be gone too.

My one class that always causes me no end of grief was thankfully better today. There were a few away, which always makes a huge difference, they did the work and one boy even said he'd learnt something new. Yay!
But the class I always looked forward to, now they're the ones starting to spin out of control. They just won't shut up!! I put them in a seating plan, but several of them are determined that it won't succeed so they're making a point of talking and distracting those around them so that it won't work. I used to plan work for this class and it was never enough, they'd churn through it so fast. But today, I had song lyrics to go through looking for poetic language features, I figured we'd finish early and had something else prepared. But no. They just won't stop talking, completely ignoring me. At one point I just stood in front of them for 5 full minutes singing quietly to myself to keep me sane. It wasn't till I made the comment that they'd be making the time up at lunch time that they wanted to get the work done. But even then, it was a pretty poor effort.

At this point in time, I want it to be over. I want to be on holiday. Even a few days off where I work from home. I just don't want to be here, being disrespected all day.
Why do I even want to be a teacher? What kind of life is this? Where the systems we had in place at the start of the year no longer serve their purpose, the students are testing boundaries again and in a more annoying way... it's just all hard work.

Life's not meant to be easy, I know that, and the start of your career is always the hardest. But honestly, I have 4 weeks to go this year, and I've not once cried or been really upset about anything in my job. But today, I almost feel like crying. I'm done.

It's going to be a long 4 weeks.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How will they remember me?

I often wonder if the things I do, as a teacher, will be remembered by my students? I guess most teachers wonder that.
Will students remember specific lessons or activities? Or will everything I do be generalised into a single memory of me?

I don't expect everyone to remember me at all. But when they do remember their old English or Spanish teacher, will it be with a smile or with a quick feeling of dislike?
I also don't expect everyone to like me, so I guess that will have something to do with how they remember me too.

I suppose different things stand out to different students and I can never know what any of them will take from our class time together.

I hope they do all learn from me though!! I hope they learn something about the subjects I love, but more than that, I hope they learn from me as a role model, a conveyor of enthusiasm for life and language. (At least, that's how I generally see myself).

Maybe I'm just meant to learn more from them. I can tell that half the things we cover in class (in terms of topics in English) will probably not be relevant to their everyday future lives, but the 'learning to learn' is so important - and they'll most likely never be able to credit any one teacher for that - it's a process we all take part in. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

In life, brother, in life.

En vida, hermano, en vida.

Si quieres hacer feliz
a alguien que quieras mucho,
diselo hoy, sé muy bueno,
en vida, hermano, en vida.

Si deseas dar una flor
no esperes a que se mueran
mándalas hoy con amor,
en vida, hermano, en vida...

Si deseas decir te quiero
a la gente de tu casa,
al amigo cerca o lejos?
En vida, hermano, en vida.

No esperes a que se muera
la gente para quererla
y hacerle sentir tu afecto,
en vida, hermano, en vida...

Tu serás muy venturoso
si aprendes a hacer felices
a todos los que conozcas,
en vida, hermano, en vida.

Nunca visites panteones,
ni llenes tumbas de flores.
Llena de amor los corazones,
en vida, hermano, en vida...
en vida, hermano, en vida.

By: Ana María Rabatté

What a great poem about living life now, making the most of the opportunities we have now to tell people we love them. Don't wait until it's too late, flowers on a grave don't say 'I love you' in the way you'd want them to. 
Do it now... in life, brother, in life.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Languages :)

I love languages!

I love being able to speak more than one! I wish I could speak more than 2 :) I want to learn more.

I speak English and Spanish, I have very very rusty French.
To my languages, I would like to add: Italian, Portuguese and German! Also, I would like to improve my French so I can actually have a conversation. But how does one go about this in such a monolingual country??

Anyone wanna shout me a 5 year travel the world ticket? hehehe That way I could live in Italy, Germany, France and Brazil for a year each and then travel up through the rest of Latin America!! Oh that would be amazing!! :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

The price I gladly pay...

"You will never be completely at home again because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place."

When I first read this quote, I finally felt 'at home.' Or at least it gave me some peace. Knowing that I'll never feel 'at home' again, and that it is actually ok, is somewhat comforting. 

After living overseas, and living on both islands here, I have really struggled with what and where exactly 'home' is. I feel at home in so many different places. When I think about where I want to live in the future, I can't make a decision, so many places have a claim on my affections. I could be happy anywhere. It's hard having friends in lots of places and not being able to see them regularly, but I guess that just gives me a better reason to go traveling!!

I do love and know people in many places, therefore my heart will always be somewhere else. At the moment, I'm feeling bold enough to say that I'm glad to pay that price. I may change my mind at a later date, but to have lived my life, and to love so many people, I am truly grateful. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My observation of reading and academic ability... (not scientifically proven that I know of, just my observations)

I love reading, I want other people to love reading too!!  Reading is so amazing for you.

At school, I teach 2 English classes, one upper stream, one lower stream - both are the same year level. The upper stream class all read, they seem to enjoy reading; they often have what I would consider more 'adult' books with them. Some of them are prolific readers and have a new book every week. As learners, they are motivated, they grasp most concepts quite quickly, they ask loads of relevant questions and they want to be there.

The lower stream class is the complete opposite. Oh my goodness!! It can be such a struggle to get them to read!! I try and find interesting material, easier-to-read material, short stories, song lyrics. They hate reading. They often get no 'success' and it takes them ages to read the story, then they lose interest. They're not strong readers at all. I fight an uphill battle with them every class. I try to get little snippets of written text into class so they do have to read something, eg, written instructions for a task, etc, but even this is abandoned by many. As learners, they are often all over the place. They are generally not as motivated to be there, they take a while to grasp new concepts and they ask loads of questions - in their favour, some of these questions are awesome and really insightful, but so many are unrelated questions. It can be quite difficult!

My observation basically has a lot to do with reading: Reading and academic ability, to some degree, go hand in hand. Obviously reading is NOT the only factor, not by a long way. But I think it is huge. Somewhere along the way, some students have 'slipped through the cracks' with their reading, they haven't 'kept up' with their peers. It makes me wonder: would these students still be in the lower stream class if they enjoyed reading? How much does reading affect their work? their concentration? their overall level of achievement?  And finally, what can I do to make reading less strenuous and more enjoyable? What would it take to get these kids to that place where they actually want to read in their own time??

...I guess this is where I get to do some more work, some more professional reading to get more ideas to try and help my class.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I have a love/hate relationship with 'stuff'.
I want to accumulate it all and surround myself with heaps of stuff so that I'll never need anything ever again.
Yet at the same time, I want to get rid of it all and become a minimalist. I enjoy going overseas where I don't have all my stuff, and just get by with what I've got.

I'm thinking these thoughts as my impending migration north draws closer. I have less than 2 months to sort out my stuff, decide what to keep and what to chuck. I want to keep it all, but I know I could live just as easily without it all! (On a side note... Christmas is in 2 months, yay!!)

I have books, dvds, clothes (ok, they're kinda important, I need to keep those - but I do have a lot of them!), shoes, more books, bookshelf, drawers, cooking equipment - cake tins, slow cooker, pasta maker, bowls.  Some of these things I do use regularly, some not so. I don't want to get rid of them though, only to need to buy them again in 3 months, that's a frivolous waste of money (I'm quite cheap too). Ok, admittedly, none of my stuff is high-tech, it's all cheap, but it's stuff I own nonetheless!

Is this a moral dilemma? Material possessions. What's the point? They're not worth anything.
I can't take them with me when I die.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bad habits

A really bad habit of mine which is kinda leftover from my uni days... is procrastination!
I thought I'd overcome that little evil... but turns out I haven't.
Now, I'm working, I'm a teacher. What I do reflects not only on me but on others. Actually, what I do is for others. So if I procrastinate and don't do my work, it's not myself I'm letting down, but it's those others.

I have so much to do right now, so much marking. This is their future I'm holding onto. I really need to get my marking done. I don't know how urgently it needs to be done, but I feel guilty for every day that goes past that I haven't done it because of my excellent procrastination skills.

Why couldn't I have picked something else to be really skilled at? Like time management, maybe??  hehe :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

An odd desire to blog...

So for some really unknown reason, I decided to look up my old blog and see if it was still there. It was. After not posting for over 4 years, my blog still exists. Crazy!
I then spent way too long reading through all my old posts and the comments from friends. Ah nostalgia!
And wow, life has changed heaps, I've moved on, people have moved on, etc. But so much is still the same.

Reading through posts and comments, seeing glimpses of the friendships that were, reliving some of the ups and downs of my uni days... it made me aware of how much I appreciated my friends, how much I still do appreciate all those people who took time out of their days to talk to me, read my posts, hang out. I really did love calling these people friends.
This has also made me feel a sense of loss. I am not really in contact with all those same people. Some, yes; but most, no. Sad.  But life has to move on, it has to change. I'm sad that some things have changed in the ways they have. But mostly, I'm content with life, I can't complain.

The fact that my blog still exists and hasn't been automatically deleted through complete lack of activity has amused me somewhat, and given me an odd desire to start posting again! I still have loads of random thoughts, questions, complaints, 'ponderings' that I can send into the the great abyss that is the internet. On publishing these things to my blog, I don't expect that anyone will read them, but there's some kind of hollow sense of fulfillment just knowing that my thoughts are out there somewhere in the world :)
This could be the start of my re-emergence in the world of blogging! Exciting :)

On a completely unrelated note, there's hardly any exclamation marks in this post. What a good effort on my part! :)