Saturday, October 20, 2012

An odd desire to blog...

So for some really unknown reason, I decided to look up my old blog and see if it was still there. It was. After not posting for over 4 years, my blog still exists. Crazy!
I then spent way too long reading through all my old posts and the comments from friends. Ah nostalgia!
And wow, life has changed heaps, I've moved on, people have moved on, etc. But so much is still the same.

Reading through posts and comments, seeing glimpses of the friendships that were, reliving some of the ups and downs of my uni days... it made me aware of how much I appreciated my friends, how much I still do appreciate all those people who took time out of their days to talk to me, read my posts, hang out. I really did love calling these people friends.
This has also made me feel a sense of loss. I am not really in contact with all those same people. Some, yes; but most, no. Sad.  But life has to move on, it has to change. I'm sad that some things have changed in the ways they have. But mostly, I'm content with life, I can't complain.

The fact that my blog still exists and hasn't been automatically deleted through complete lack of activity has amused me somewhat, and given me an odd desire to start posting again! I still have loads of random thoughts, questions, complaints, 'ponderings' that I can send into the the great abyss that is the internet. On publishing these things to my blog, I don't expect that anyone will read them, but there's some kind of hollow sense of fulfillment just knowing that my thoughts are out there somewhere in the world :)
This could be the start of my re-emergence in the world of blogging! Exciting :)

On a completely unrelated note, there's hardly any exclamation marks in this post. What a good effort on my part! :)

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