Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I have a love/hate relationship with 'stuff'.
I want to accumulate it all and surround myself with heaps of stuff so that I'll never need anything ever again.
Yet at the same time, I want to get rid of it all and become a minimalist. I enjoy going overseas where I don't have all my stuff, and just get by with what I've got.

I'm thinking these thoughts as my impending migration north draws closer. I have less than 2 months to sort out my stuff, decide what to keep and what to chuck. I want to keep it all, but I know I could live just as easily without it all! (On a side note... Christmas is in 2 months, yay!!)

I have books, dvds, clothes (ok, they're kinda important, I need to keep those - but I do have a lot of them!), shoes, more books, bookshelf, drawers, cooking equipment - cake tins, slow cooker, pasta maker, bowls.  Some of these things I do use regularly, some not so. I don't want to get rid of them though, only to need to buy them again in 3 months, that's a frivolous waste of money (I'm quite cheap too). Ok, admittedly, none of my stuff is high-tech, it's all cheap, but it's stuff I own nonetheless!

Is this a moral dilemma? Material possessions. What's the point? They're not worth anything.
I can't take them with me when I die.

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