Friday, September 30, 2005

I don't like thinking up these titles

I was looking at the parable of the sower and his seeds. And somehow I got to thinking - it wasn't the seeds' fault where they fell, they didn't choose to fall on the road or rocky ground or among thorns or on good soil, it just happened. They were just thrown there. Only a few seeds fell on good soil - well, at least 3/4 didn't! Craziness!
I spose this means that of all the people we might tell about God - we can kinda know that maybe up to 1/4 of them will possibly listen and understand! Yay!! : )
But does that also mean that 3/4 of people out there are 'predisposed,' as such, to not hear at all?? Cos that's quite unfortunate for them! : )

Friday, September 23, 2005

My new discovery!!

I love going to the beach at night with mates and a guitar.
(Not necessarily me playing the guitar - just having a guitar being played!!) (Mates are a necessity though otherwise I'd be totally freaked out being there all by myself at night!!)

Me and 2 of my flatmates did this last night, we/I played lots of guitar (badly- I really need to learn how to play properly), and we walked along the pier. At the end it was kind of freaky, cos it was like the world just stopped. The sea was black and the sky was black so you couldn't see any resemblance of the horizon, only the ocassional swell which totally freaked you out cos it made it look like the world's end was coming closer and closer to you - wierd, I know, but it was cool!! It was also a lot quieter at the end of the pier cos all the crashing waves were behind you and the sea out infront was all quiet!
It was possibly quite thought provoking, if you're that way inclined, but I personally was feeling a little spooked-ish by it, it was kind of eerie, we didn't stay long there, we moved back down the pier where there was noise from the waves and a bit more light!! : ) But it was still cool though!

But generally I was just amused by how much I really loved being at the beach at night with a guitar! I didn't want to leave. There was still much more singing and playing that could be done, it was kinda getting late, but as long as I was there with the guitar and friends, I felt like I could've stayed forever!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I've been helping a lady out with a research project lately and it's been interesting how I've gotten to know her, or at least feel like i have - in a week!!
It's crazy! i see her twice a day, for no more than 20 mins at a time, and inbetween doing the actual study stuff, we just chat about all sorts of things. It's quite cool!
Though it kind of has made me realise how much time i don't spend with my friends! The only people I see that often are my flatmates and classmates -and they're really cool, i love them all!!

I know there's not enough time in a day to do all that we want, but i know that some people i don't even see for weeks on end, and then I'll see them once and then not for weeks again!! It's crazy!! How are we sposed to keep up good friendships if we are never communicating with people!! I don't know - but somehow it works!!

Yeah, i don't think there really was a point to this post, it's just what i was thinking!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Yay for big assignments being finished!! : )

Yay!! I've just finished a big assignment!! It might be 4.45 in the morning, and I might still actually be at uni! But I don't care!! : ) At the moment I'm just feeling quite satisfied with my assignment! I even brought a stapler to uni so I can staple it before I go hand it in - I generally don't remember and then I'm I'm stuck with an assignment!!
Yayness!! It feels good!! It's worth 40%! It was quite big! Hard too!! I counted - & my whole assignment takes up 30 pages! that's a lot!! : )

Yeah, so that's my excitement for now!!

I think now it's time for me to go home to bed, cos even though I may not feel tired now - i know I'm going to feel it tomorrow, and probably the next day too!! : )

heh : )

Monday, September 5, 2005

Thanks for all the hugs!!
I think I'm all good, I just had to take a moment to put life into perspective, which is hopefully where it now is!! : )
People are cool!!

Friday, September 2, 2005

: (