Friday, September 30, 2005

I don't like thinking up these titles

I was looking at the parable of the sower and his seeds. And somehow I got to thinking - it wasn't the seeds' fault where they fell, they didn't choose to fall on the road or rocky ground or among thorns or on good soil, it just happened. They were just thrown there. Only a few seeds fell on good soil - well, at least 3/4 didn't! Craziness!
I spose this means that of all the people we might tell about God - we can kinda know that maybe up to 1/4 of them will possibly listen and understand! Yay!! : )
But does that also mean that 3/4 of people out there are 'predisposed,' as such, to not hear at all?? Cos that's quite unfortunate for them! : )


Anonymous said...

You could argue that it's all been predestined, and that people don't have a choice, but I'm not sure that's the primary point of the passage. The point is that the word will not always be fruitful, that people don't always respond.

I would also also be hesitant to infer proportions from the parable. Jesus mentions 4 types of soil, but he doesn't give any indication that the seeds are equally distributed amongst the four soils. From the parable, you could imagine the farmer would be careful to only sow his seed on fruitful ground. But that's probably reading into it too much.

For proportions, it's probably best to check other passages, e.g. Matt 7:13-14. So it looks like people in general aren't predisposed to following the right way. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death".

Hannah said...

I didn't think about that before -ie, that the farmer most likely had an idea where he was throwing the seeds and didn't intentionally throw them among rocks, etc - it's probably true!! I so don't think about things enough! : ) Oh well, it's all good!!