Thursday, May 26, 2005

Love - hehehe : ) And I wrote a long post!! : )

I've been thinking a bit lately about love (doesn't everyone, hehehe!) and I think God's telling me I should be loving the unloved. I was thinking about how I am so loved and that I know I'm loved and there's heaps of people out there who are either not loved or don't know they're loved : (
So my mission is to love people! Yay for stating the obvious!! : ) Isn't that what Jesus wants us to do anyways?? Love people?!! : )

But my question is: who do I love? That sounds silly, but I mean - if God wants me to love the unloved, how do I know who the unloved are, ie, who are the unloved that God wants me to go and love?? : ) (I sound confused)
Does God want me to go out to the streets of Christchurch and get to know the homeless people who look like they have noone to love them? I actually think God's maybe calling me to the unloved people i know. But again - how do i know who's unloved, or at least feeling unloved??
I love pretty much everyone I know - even if I don't always like some people (which isn't that often) I still love them!! (So, if you know me, then know you are loved!) : )

I can't just walk up to someone and ask "Are you loved?" I spose I could, but that's not really me! Am I kinda just supposed to 'know' maybe?? I've tried thinking about people i might accidently be making feel unloved, eg, by leaving them out in social situations or even just in life, or people in class who don't really hang out with anyone, or are there people at band that always just seem to be by themselves and not talking to others?? If I can think of people 'on the edges' as such, again - how do i know if they are unloved?? I dunno!! i think maybe these are the people I'm s'posed to go love!
But (there's always a but), what if in the process of loving these so-called unloved people in my life, I let slip the current relationships I have with other people, thus making these people feel unloved (assuming my love means something to them in the first place!)?? And what makes my love worth something/anything in the first place?? It's all good and well to say go love someone, but what makes it worth anything if I do love them??

Then there's the whole idea of the love languages thing - I think I'm words and touch! (Who would've guessed!?) I think it's important to connect with people in a way that means something to them (if you're trying to love them), but you have to get to know someone in order to even know what they appreciate. I think I don't make much sense, but that's ok, i know what I mean!! : )

If anyone actually read this far, yeah, this is kind of how my mind thinks, but not really - cos this has, in a way, been processed and my mind doesn't often get processed! : ) I think the point of me writing this post is possibly just to try and clear up some of my own thoughts, cos I get a bit confused when i try and think about stuff, so writing it down i guess helps me to see it and play around with my ideas a bit! I can't control my thoughts when they're in my head, but if they're on paper then I can see them and try and figure out what they're all thinking!! : )

Friday, May 6, 2005

My Seduction Style : )

Yeah, this was kinda just funny! It cracked me up!! : )

Your Seduction Style: The Natural
You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

What Is Your Seduction Style?