Thursday, November 2, 2006

exams are so nearly over!

I have one more exam left - it's on Saturday, and it's Spanish! I like Spanish so hopefully it'll be fun!! My goal is to try and do the exam in under 2 hours, which is hopefully possible!! I did the last on in an hour - but seeing as this one has a lot more material and all the ppl who possibly needed the whole 3 hrs last time have most likely not continued with spanish - i think it will be harder and probly take more time to finish, oh well!! Anyways! After that i'm free for another summer - well, until I start working anyways!! : )

I'm going home in a week and a half, I think I'm looking forward to it, I'll have lots to do when I first get there so it's good that I'll get a bit of a break here before i go up!! : )
I'll miss Chch tho! - but if ppl are coming to Hamilton or anything, I often try and catch up with them - which is kinda amusing, cos I see ppl all year, then when it comes to just 3 months apart, i don't want to be away from them, and organise to see them!! Humans are such odd creatures! : )

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

me again : )

Life is fun...I like it!
...most of the time anyway! (except when you have to study)

Anyways, yeah, so bout this's 1/2 way thru study week and I've barely even started studying! Aargh! I want to study, I just don't. Why am I so good at procrastinating??

Last week was such a nice week! Good way to end uni!! I had an exam last Thursday too - probly the most fun exam I've ever sat and ever will again! - it was an open-book crossword!! Yup that's right!! And it's brilliant cos when you're getting the answers right they all slot in together -just like in a crossword out of the newspaper-but more fun cos you technically have all the answers in front of you somewhere in your books!!!! : )
We had a waterfight on Saturday!! It was a really good day for one too!! It was real hot and sunny! There was only 4 of us but we made use of waterguns and buckets and drinkbottles and hose! Fun times!!

I've been hanging out with church ppl (from my new church i go to) a bit which is cool. For Ruth, I started going to Hornby Presbytarian thru a guy from soccer. Christian circles are small, it's brilliant!
I obviously must be needing to study cos I'm posting! I'm sure I mainly post when I've got stuff I should be doing! : ) OK, enough procrastinating - i think i need to have a stern word with myself about this lack of study! (I like the phrase 'stern word' - it sounds authoritative!)

Monday, October 2, 2006

The last month and a half : )

Ok, so over the past month and a half, whathave I been up to? I thought I'd treat you all to an update! : )

August -holidays! They were awesome!! I went home for about 10 days to lovely Hamilton. My mum turned 50 so that was fun - cos turning 50 means you get to celebrate and have ALL the family at your house at once -I love it!! : ) (I don't want to be 50 yet at all, I just like the celebrating with family part)! : ) We had a real awesome time!! It was good!

September - I turned 22, and my Grandad died - all on the same day. Yeah, so instead of going back to uni - I was off up to Gisborne for the funeral. It was very very sad. I cried lots. Me and my dad and my 2 brothers and 2 uncles played Grandad's favourite hymn, it was arranged specially for the funeral. That was hard to play but we all managed somehow. Death is strange huh!?
Anyways, the rest of September has been taken up with uni mostly and some socialising on the side. Somehow managed to change churches, wasn't church-hunting or anything, infact was quite happy at Ilam, I just started going somewhere else. We got a flatmate for next year out of it though. so that's cool!! : )

Now it is October and I am slowly becoming myself again - I find that death-stuff really knocks it out of me and I'm just not myself for a while afterwards, you know how it is!!
Anyways, that's the life of Hannah for a while - not very exciting huh! Oh well, I had fun! : )

Stay tuned...

...(actually that's probly not such a clever suggestion cos you never know how long it'll be before I ever get round to posting again!)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

This sounds familiar

If anyone's bored this Friday night at 7.30 and wants to do something different:
my bands doing another concert!! Woop woop!

It's at the Salvation Army Citadel on Durham St in town, at 7.30pm
and (unfortunately) costs $15, we tried lowering the price but it didn't work!
It should be a really fun concert tho -it's Jazz music and there's a awesome singer coming (she came to the last Jazz concert we did too and she's brilliant)!!

Anyways, if you're keen... send me a txt and i can try and hook you up with some tickets!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

insert title here

From my sociolinguistic lecturers mouth, a slight slip of the tongue and she decided to go with it!!
: )

"Everyone has access to at least one engineer.
Everone should get their hands on an engineer."

I like my lecturer. I like engineers too : )

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Here's something I've been thinking bout recently -and if anyone's out there and wouldn't mind sharing their thoughts it'd be much appreciated!

ok, so
- I've been thinking bout guys and girls and the signals we do and don't send each other. So far my conclusions are that girls are really confusing and I don't understand them so i'm not at all surprised that guys don't either!! : ) heh!

From my experience as a girl, I find that if I like someone, i generally try not to let it show - either to the guy or to anyone else - I think that's probly linked with a fear or rejection or something. I don't know how successful I am at it or not.
A response i've had from a guy is that guys are similar.

This makes life confusing cos then you don't actually know if someone likes you or not and you end up not showing someone if you like them or not! Confusing!! : )

So, girls what do you do to show a guy you like them??
And guys what do you do to show a girl you like them?
And is there anything you look for or notice in particular bout the opposite sex that makes you think they might like you?? : )

Monday, July 10, 2006

Things I have learnt

I figured I've learnt some things so I'd write them down somewhere!!

* I'm not normal - according to a lovely lady I know - who then told me she was worried about me and listed reasons why I wasn't normal, she was all seriousness too!! funny : )

* The computer screens in the dock are really shiny and you can see your reflection in them - kinda scary!

* There's lots of dodgy words out there that everyone seems to know, except me - so I don't understand some things which everyone's all laughing at! But thankfully I have a friend who I can ask all these wonderful words to!! : ) (But I'm not going to put those words on here cos that would not be cool)

* I can't handle as much alcohol as I thought I could! : ) - but I can still handle it pretty well though!! But I've noticed that bartenders and ppl aren't asking me for idea as much as they used to - so i must be looking older or something

* Apaarently, most ppl in the band I'm in think I'm a very quiet reserved person! I find that amusing! They all thinkg I'm really really quiet! Does that mean I've been 'hiding' myself or choosing not to 'be myself' when I'm round them?? i don't think it's that at all - but if they've got this view of me, does it then mean that I've decieived them somehow?? I don't know - but I'll just be amused all the same! : )

That's all for now - it takes me a while to learn new things!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


After reading Christina's post, I came up with this thought and was amused by it so thought I'd post it on my blog!

Ok, so here's my random thought:
* I think I'm a very trusting person to a certain extent, but then i don't let people get too close cos i don't trust them. As soon as I think someone might be getting close, I try and back out.

But then comes my lovely flatmate Nicky, and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not yet, but I trust her a lot. It's real uncertain territory for me to trust someone so much, but it's kinda cool, but scary!! : ) (ie, she knows lots about me that I would normally not dream of telling people, yet she knows- only little things, but still.)

Weird huh!!

Is it a natural human thing to not be willing to trust people?? Maybe it's cos I'm making myself vulnerable to others.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

study week

I don't know why I still have this blog but i do, I feel like it needs to be there somewhere whether I use it or not!!

This week so far I haven't done much study! Ok, so it's thursday now! I did 1 1/2 hrs yesterday morning - and i mite do a bit tonight maybe! : ) Why can't I study?? In a weird way I do actually kinda like studying - well, if I enjoy the subject, i quite like just taking my time to go through all the things we've learnt. But I'm currently not doing that!! And I know that because of it i probly won't get as good marks as i could - but i don't really care as long as I pass!! : )


what a confused little place my brain is in!! Oh well, i'll get there one day!
where's there?

I think I'm sick and should stop writing nonsense now!! : )

Friday, April 28, 2006

It's not Christmas yet

I came into uni this morning, not particularly excited about starting the pile of work I had, but then I heard something which totally brightened my day!! Some random guy walking behind me was quite happily whistling 'Jingle bells!' How cool is that, the verses and everything! I had a big smile and was almost happy to be working!! : ) Thank you Mr Jingle-Bells-Whistler!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

In which nothing flows coherently

Holidays are in 3 days and I like that!! : ) Holidays are good!!

I just finished a test (listening comprehension in French)- it was really bad and i laughed!! - what else can you do!! hehe!! : ) Good thing that one wasn't worth much!! : )

I went to yoga yesterday, yoga is the most relaxing exercise I think i've ever done -I highly reccommend it!! You start and end the session with just lying on the foor, relaxing! Brilliant!! : )

That's about it, my brain is not having a 'let's flow nicely' day, this is rather normal, but even more less flowly than normal!

Oh, and one last thing!! Dancing tomorrow night at uni!! More people should dance!! Dance should be a way of life! How fun would that be!! : ) I would be ecstatic!! (ecstatic being the only word I could think of to replace 'in heaven')

Friday, March 10, 2006

Watch this space...

More advertising...

If anyone feels the need to get a bit of culture in their life, and has a spare $10 and nothing to do next Saturday night (18th March), then I have a solution for you (assuming that the above was a problem!) : )
The band I'm in is doing (another) concert. It's called Just Brass - well, it is a brass band. Anyways, if anyone's interested at all I can get you tickets, you can also buy tickets on the night ($12 I think) and through ticketek ($14), so if you're considering it then I can sell you tickets for only $10!! Yay!! anyways, yeah, it might not be your thing but you'll never know till you try right? -well, i like it all the same!! For more info - txt me or something. : )


I love being a student! I love being poor! (and I will probably wish to retract that sentence at some point during the year!)

Me and my flatmate were talking last night about culture and society etc, (this conversation came from my reading Andrew's posts on related stuff and Francie's sociology-type lectures that he's got at the moment). Anyways, we were talking about comfort as well, and how he learnt that comfort is the lack of feeling, and we strive to be comfortable, cos if we are we can escape the 'real world' for a bit and just pretend life doesn't exist! (Tangent sorry).

Anyways, what I was thinking of when writing this post - is that I don't want to have so much money that i can provide for myself lots of luxuries so that I can live in comfort. I think there's so much more to get out of being less well-off than there is being affluent (not speaking in terms of education, etc but life stuff that actually matters). Not having money all the time means I have to just make do with what I've got, and it also means that if me and a mate want to go do something fun, we often end up taking a picnic somewhere or doing something that doesn't cost much and we have a great time!! Being poorer means I bike places (out of neccessity)- which is much better for me than driving! - and you walk a bit too!!

Right now I am being thankful for not always having money to get what I want. I'm sure I'll learn more being poorer than I would if I had money!! : )

Friday, February 17, 2006

Much ado about nothing

sorry it's late notice, but of anyone's keen to see Much Ado About Nothing, some people are going tonight. Starts at 6pm at Mona Vale and is $10, bring some food for picnic tea (wow, i am fully turning into one of those people who goes places and has picnics, oh well, it's all good!)
Yeah, so if you want to join us, I shall see you there!!

It should be good - it's Shakespeare!! : )

Thursday, February 9, 2006

smells like rain : )

Christchurch is wet, rainy and cold! When did that happen?!? I left Hamilton yesterday in the nice warmth of a summer day - to arrive 2 hrs later in Chch, where it was raining and quite a bit colder!!
But it was definitely very nice to be back!! I'm loving it!! Just being back in my flat again, in my room and seeing people I haven't seen for ages, including Helen who is staying at my flat!! Yayness!!

Today I needed to use the internet, so I walked to uni (my bike has a flat tyre and our tyre pump is broken!) It rained and rained and was real windy, but I had my big umbrella so it's all good!! Since I've been here, though, it's cleared up outside. So I might go home soon!! : )

I don't want to complain about the weather, I actually really enjoyed walking to uni in the rain - even laughed a couple of times!! It was fun! And another great thing about sad weather is that you can put on snuggly clothes (but not for too long cos then it does get kinda cold!!)!
I like being back!! It's all so nice and familiar and wonderful!! : )

Monday, February 6, 2006

summer's really only just beginning, silly weather patterns and all!! : )

The holidays are nearly over!! Sad, but also exciting cos it means I get to come back to Chch - which I am looking forward to!!

Yay for no more work (till next summer)!! : )
I liked my time working - I always do! But I always like it better when it's over- even though it means uni (but hey I like uni too!!)

One thing I noticed at work is how so many people, after I've finished serving them, say 'well done' or 'good girl'!! I don't find this insulting at all, but kinda interesting! I wonder if they think I'm still new at the job and haven't really counted money before, or if they thought I couldn't do it! Honestly, sometimes I think people are genuinely surprised when I actually give them what they've asked for! Strange, but I think it's cool too!!

Just cos other ppl did...

You scored as Anthropology. ( I don't really even know what anthroplogy is!) : )
You should be an Anthropology major!

Dance 75%
Psychology 75%
Anthropology 75%
Sociology 67%
English 58%
Art 58%
Theater 42%
Journalism 42%
Linguistics 42%
Philosophy 33%
Mathematics 33%
Engineering 25%
Biology 17%
Chemistry 0%

Saturday, January 7, 2006

a little rant : )

I amuse myself! I find it kinda annoying in a way that my mum wants to renovate the whole kitchen cos it's just too hard to work in and it's not nice enough. All that really needs to happen is to get a new oven cos ours is always breaking! But mum doesn't want to get a new oven until she can get the whole kitchen redone - with a wall oven so it's easier to access!!
I'm sure most people in NZ (excluding rich ppl who've designed and built their own homes) would be glad to have our kitchen - it's not huge but it's big enough to do what you need to do in a kitchen!! How many thousands is it going to cost?? Of course it's in the long-term-ish plan to save up for it, but wouldn't it be better to just replace th oven and spend the money elsewhere? - like on people that need it?

I've also noticed that people are willing to work hard and save for ages to get that kitchen or house or other possession they've dreamed of - but how hard are they willing to work for God?? God could use th money so much better than we could!

I'm not aiming this at anyone in particular.
Of course I am much included in this - I'm sure I'd probably work quite hard if I was going to gain something from it, and admittedly not so hard if I wasn't. I know I need to change that.
Maybe I just don't have the whole dream thing to be surrounded by nice things when I'm older- I don't think I want a flash house with all the latest things to have in it. Maybe because of this I then can't understand why ppl spend so much time doing renovations that sometimes seem pointless to me, and end up spending thousands of dollars which could be used so well by God.

I don't know!

I guess that's what God's been challenging me about lately and I needed somewhere to write that down - and this blog was there, so yeah!