Friday, October 26, 2012

The price I gladly pay...

"You will never be completely at home again because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place."

When I first read this quote, I finally felt 'at home.' Or at least it gave me some peace. Knowing that I'll never feel 'at home' again, and that it is actually ok, is somewhat comforting. 

After living overseas, and living on both islands here, I have really struggled with what and where exactly 'home' is. I feel at home in so many different places. When I think about where I want to live in the future, I can't make a decision, so many places have a claim on my affections. I could be happy anywhere. It's hard having friends in lots of places and not being able to see them regularly, but I guess that just gives me a better reason to go traveling!!

I do love and know people in many places, therefore my heart will always be somewhere else. At the moment, I'm feeling bold enough to say that I'm glad to pay that price. I may change my mind at a later date, but to have lived my life, and to love so many people, I am truly grateful. 

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