Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How will they remember me?

I often wonder if the things I do, as a teacher, will be remembered by my students? I guess most teachers wonder that.
Will students remember specific lessons or activities? Or will everything I do be generalised into a single memory of me?

I don't expect everyone to remember me at all. But when they do remember their old English or Spanish teacher, will it be with a smile or with a quick feeling of dislike?
I also don't expect everyone to like me, so I guess that will have something to do with how they remember me too.

I suppose different things stand out to different students and I can never know what any of them will take from our class time together.

I hope they do all learn from me though!! I hope they learn something about the subjects I love, but more than that, I hope they learn from me as a role model, a conveyor of enthusiasm for life and language. (At least, that's how I generally see myself).

Maybe I'm just meant to learn more from them. I can tell that half the things we cover in class (in terms of topics in English) will probably not be relevant to their everyday future lives, but the 'learning to learn' is so important - and they'll most likely never be able to credit any one teacher for that - it's a process we all take part in. :)

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