Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Hehe no, no, no.
No juicy bits of gossip. No betraying of identities of slagging anyone off. Just observations.

In the staffroom, the majority of staff, both teaching and non-teaching, will sit and chat to anyone, no preferences. But given the choice, they'd always sit with the same people. We are all creatures of habit.

Teachers are people too. Well, duh. But I think that sometimes we forget that, even myself as a teacher, and kind of expect teachers to be perfect role models in society. Ok, so teachers are and always will be/should be role models, but they're still normal human beings!!! I need to remember this some times and not expect the superhuman from myself or other teachers :)

Sometimes I notice how similar some staff can be to the students we teach. Not everyone of course, just a few. Some act just like I would expect the 'cool kids' to act at high school. Making mean jokes as a means of excluding people, yet being really nice to another staff member they approve of, etc. I don't really like this behaviour, it's quite childish, but thankfully rarely displayed and only ever by a few people. It leaves me with a somewhat anti-social sentiment... if people are gonna be like that, I'd rather not be around them.

But the heroes. :)
Obviously there are awesome people too. The majority of teachers are, in fact, amazing people. I admire so many of the teachers I work with. I love seeing what they do, how they handle different problems and react to different situations. I love talking with them about problems I might be having with certain classes 'cos they're always so full of useful advice and suggestions of things to try! They're great people. Yay for teachers!! :)

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