Friday, August 26, 2005

Playing grown ups!!

One of my friends is house sitting, so me, my brother, my mate's brother and another mate all went round for tea! It was yum! We had entree, mains and dessert then we went into the lounge with our drinks! This is what grown ups do and I really don't feel like a grown up yet! Oh well!! But I don't know if your average grown up then turns Celine Dion up really really loud and sings at the top of their lungs for half an hour!! : ) It's great fun - i highly recommend it! Along with some Moulin Rouge, Solace, Wash and Bebo Norman!! : ) Friends are great fun!! I love friends!!

I also really love the game minesweeper!! : )

1 comment:

Kelly said... you can't write an entire post without exclamation marks. It's good you have so much fun & happiness & excitement though, you're so cute! :)