Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Expectations and perfection -somehow combined : )

I think I have some perfectionism in me somewhere - and that's scary, cos as far as I'm concerned, I'm anything but a perfectionist! : ) I'm not sure if it true perfectionism though, I don't know if I even know what that really is! And I only ever have perfect expectations on myself! I love the imperfections that other people have, -not to try and make myself seem better in some deluded way, I couldn't do that; but because imperfections are what makes people different and unique and loveable. I love imperfections! (in other people) But when it comes to my abilities and things I do, that's when I think I expect most perfectness from myself.
As I said though I'm not sure what true perfection is. Is perfection actually perfection? Or is it what we perceive to be perfection? (Does that make sense?) Cos I reckon those probably get distorted a bit in my mind! Then, how can we have a universal idea of perfectionism? : ) (I honestly should not try and think so much, it doesn't do anything for me!)

Now I'm interested to know:
Do other people expect perfection from themselves? Or more from others??


Kelly said...

I used to be like that too! But now I've chilled out & slacked off a lot, & I don't expect myself to be so perfect, at least, not in all things, I pick and choose what I think is important to have high standards in. I think it's a good thing to have high standards for yourself, but not for others, it makes for less judging & more awesome people!

Christina said...

Yeah, I don't bother with expecting things from people but I get angry with myself if I don't reach my so-called expectations or do something "perfectly". So yeah. Might be a common thing

Anonymous said...

I generally aim for my best. I see no reason why not to. (Of course, there are a lot of things to be the best at, so you've gotta make choices which thing you'll put time into)

I don't know imperfections are what make people unique. Could it be that people have different characters, and these different characters produce different imperfections, making it look like people are different because of imperfection? A thought.

Jared said...

In certain things I expect a kind of perfection of other people. A lot of the problems I have had with people (esp. my little sis) is because I have this expectation. I try not to let it dominate but it really slacks me off. It hypocritical because I do not live up to these expectations myself.

I think there is a place for placing expectations on others because it sort of shows that you think that they are better than they are at the moment. The problem is when they don't want those expectations placed upon them or fail to live up to them. Judging is definately a bad.

Hannah said...

It's kinda encouraging in a way to see that other people place expectations on themselves. We're not alone! (some song about never walking alone has just popped in my head - I think an English sports team had it as their theme song!) : ) Anyways!

But what if the expectations we place on ourselves are too high and we know that they're not actually attainable?? But lowering your expectations is not such a good thing right??
I don't know!! : )

Woody said...

Perfectionism is good for those who can achieve it, setting high standards/ goals is good for the resty of us.

"Proberbs 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life"

Nato: I don't know bout that, I see little imperfections in everyone that are unique, of which I take little offence to. eg one of us always leaves the frozens in the non-frozens section of the kitchen, one of us always leaves doors open, one of us sheds excessive amounts of hair in the bathroom and one of us eats all our lettuce for breakfast.


AJ said...

pobody's nerfect