Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hamilton, strangely enough : )

Well, I've been home for almost 2 weeks so i thought I should post something!!

I've worked full time pretty much since I've been back!! I really quite miss being lazy!! - not working is so much cooler!! : )

I saw Harry Potter on Thursday night! Then again on Saturday!! I love Harry Potter so much!!! The first time I saw it - at one point in the movie I got a really massive fright! My brother (Sam) got kinda embarrassed - then told me to hit the roof for him while I was up there!! Apparently my fright had an accompanying scream-thing - which the ppl behind us laughed at - oops!! : ) Oh well!! The 2nd time I was prepared and didn't get a fright at all - but neither did anyone else in the theatre, which kinda disappointed me - cos i wanted to hear someone get a fright!

I went to Tauranga in the wknd for my flatmates 21st! Despite not knowing anyone apart from her family - i had heaps of fun!! The theme was cowboys and indians - so i went as a cowboy/girl! fun times!! : )

Every night I plan on having an early night - but it hasn't actually happened yet! (By early, I'm trying to get to bed around 10.30ish) - after midnight seems to be most common - which is then kinda annoying cos I have to get up early!! Oh well!! One day, I'll have a day off and sleep in!! Yay!! : ) (Weekends don't always count as automatic sleep-in days I've discovered!!) Oh well!!

Ok! I'll cya guys later!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Hi Hannah, Hanging out with other spthish girls is not the same without you! Yay that you are having fun. I start work tomorrow, finally. I have been so bored... Ray and I are going to mow the lawn now with a non electric mower thing. It will be fun I think!!
Love you chicky.